Join us for an exciting in-person workshop at the Bureau County Metro Center in Princeton, lllinois! This workshop is designed to help parent’s, caregivers, and educator’s navigate the complexities of the neurodiverse world from early diagnosis through transitional services into adulthood. Are you a parent who sits at the 504/IEP table and has trouble understanding, or is frustrated with the process, and desires a better understanding and team collaboration? Are you contemplating what employment looks like in the neurodiverse world? Preparing for transitional services? Looking into Special Needs Trusts and preparing for the future? Are you looking for more information on what is PUNS, Respite services, and what the Social Security Disability Process looks like for adults? Discover practical strategies, gain insights, and connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about neurodiversity. Don’t miss out on this invaluable opportunity to expand your understanding and make a positive impact.
Cost is $30 for the workshop. Jimmy John’s Box Lunch included in the price. Reserve your spot today!