WHEREAS, 75 ILCS 16/15-15 provides that whenever a municipality or school district included partially within a public library district includes, within its boundaries, territory contiguous to the public library district without local tax supported public library service, the district may annex such territory by the passage of an ordinance calling for an election to that effect; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Walnut Public Library District, in Bureau County, Illinois, have considered the question of annexation of territory described as:
The portions of the Bureau Valley Community Unit School District #340 that are currently unserved by a public library and contiguous to the Walnut Public Library District.
The Board of Trustees confirmed that the above-mentioned territory to be annexed follows the boundaries of the Bureau Valley Community Unit School District #340, part of which is currently served by the Walnut Public Library District. Further, the Board confirmed that the territory to be annexed is currently without tax supported public library service while also being contiguous to the Walnut Public Library District; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the owners of the territory to be annexed and the residents, taxpayers and users of the current Walnut Public Library District, for the territory above described to become a part of the Walnut Public Library District.
THEREFORE, the Board of Trustees of the Walnut Public Library District presently in the County of Bureau and State of Illinois, adopted its Ordinance No. 24-1 calling for the submission to the voters at the consolidated election of November 5, 2024, general election the following referendum proposition:
“Currently, there are portions of the Bureau Valley Community Unit School District #340 in Bureau, Whiteside, and Lee Counties that do not have tax supported library service. Shall the territory within the Bureau Valley Community Unit School District #340 in Bureau, Whiteside, and Lee Counties that do not have library service and are contiguous to the Walnut Public Library District be annexed to the Walnut Public Library District?”
This ordinance took effect from and after its passage and approval according to the law. The public question will be put to the voters by referendum in the November 5, 2024, general election after the Board completes publication of this notice in the newspaper of general circulation, posts this notice, and mails this notice to all libraries within one mile of the territory to be annexed as required by law. Further, the Board will then file the question with the County Clerks in Bureau, Whiteside, and Lee Counties in Illinois
Ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees of the Walnut Public Library District and approved by the President thereof and to be effective on the 17th day of April 2024.
Dear Friends,
At the April 17, 2024 meeting of the Walnut Public Library Board of Trustees, the Board voted to add a referendum to the November 5, 2024 ballot to annex the remainder of the Bureau Valley School District into the service area for the library.
What does this mean for you? This means that on November 5, 2024 you will see a referendum on your ballot. You will need to vote YES to allow the non-serviced area of the Bureau Valley School District to be added to the Walnut Public Library District. For those of you who reside in the Village of Walnut and Walnut Township a YES vote states that you’re okay with the library covering more territory. For those of you who reside outside of the Village of Walnut and Walnut Township, a YES vote means you will be agreeing to join the library district.
What does this mean for your taxes? Those inside the Village of Walnut and Walnut Township are already paying this percentage to the library in their property taxes. We need a majority YES vote from voters in the annexed territory AND from voters in your current service area to make this change a reality.
For those outside of the Village of Walnut and Walnut Township, it will mean a slight increase in your property taxes of .21%. (That is less than 1% tax on your assessed value.) As an example, the average value of a home in Bureau County is worth $125,000. The assessor only applies taxes to ⅓ of the value of the home, which means that the tax an average home will pay to the library is $87.50 annually. Farmland, of course, is assessed by the annual productivity value index which is significantly less than the 1⁄3 value of structures. 50 acres of farmland with a productivity index of $400.00 would pay only $14.00 per year to the library in taxes. This is a bargain for the services the library provides resident cardholders.
Walnut Public Library currently offers the following:
- New release books
- Large Print books, VOX Audio Children’s Books
- E-Books and Audio Books through the Boundless App
- DVD’s, Puzzles, and Games
- Interlibrary Loan (Borrow any book, audiobook, DVD) in the state of Illinois, including university libraries.
- Seed library (flowers & vegetables)
- Explore More Illinois – Discount Museum Passes
- Monthly Book Clubs
- Monthly 4-H STEM programs for all children
- Bi-weekly Toddler Time
- Monthly Lego Activity day during the school year
- Free monthly program opportunities for all ages on various topics
- Digital Literacy courses
- Six weeks of summer program opportunities for grades K-8
- Annual Children’s Entrepreneur Business Fair
- Collaboration with classroom teachers in the Bureau Valley School District for monthly classroom/library day visits and programs.
- Annual reading challenges for adults & children
- Local history collection and resources
- Free wifi and computer usage including access to ABC Mouse
- Fax, print, and copy services
- Free delivery of materials for homebound residents
- Meeting spaces for clubs, organizations, and individuals
- Hydroponic Grow Gardens
- Use your library card freely at other libraries to utilize their services and check out materials.
- Partnership site with Sauk Valley Community College’s Impact Program – offering volunteer hours to high school students enrolled in the program.
New in 2024:
- UPS authorized Service Provider (ship and accept drop-off packages from the public)
- Illinois Libraries Present: High quality online virtual events
- Safe Sitter Babysitting Certification Course for grades 6-8 (including First Aid & CPR)
- Safe at Home Course (for youth preparing to stay home alone)
- Grandparents: Getting Started Course (refreshing skills including First Aid & CPR)
- Adult and Youth Learning Kits
With a successful vote, we would love to be able to offer library services to the unserviced area of the Bureau Valley School District starting as soon as we receive confirmation of passage of the referendum (even though you will not even see the Library’s assessment until your next tax bill for tax year 2025.) If you have any further questions about our collection, programs, or services, please email us, call, or stop in. We would love to see you!
Current Library Hours
Monday 10AM-6PM, Tuesday Noon-5PM, Wednesday 10AM-6PM, Thursday Closed, Friday Noon-5PM, Saturday 9AM-Noon, Sunday Closed
Jaclyn Trujillo, Director and
The Walnut Public Library District Board of Trustees
Brenda Helms, President
Terri Jamison, Vice President
Jaimie Rosenthal, Secretary
Heidi Franklin, Treasurer
Megan Hellrung, Trustee
Emily Dietz, Trustee
Kendra Jensen, Trustee